Eynsham’s Nature Recovery Network
In October 2019, during Eynsham’s Green Festival, Long Mead Local Wildlife Site put up a map of the parish, inviting visitors to put stickers on their favourite wildlife places, as well as stickers with proposals for tree/hedgerow planting, wildflower patches and pond creation. The interest in the map was so great that it was transferred to Market Garden shop where hung until mid-January to allow more people to give their ideas and suggestions.
The enthusiastic response to this interactive map prompted the next step: Eynsham’s two key community organisations, the Eynsham Society and GreenTEA joined with Long Mead to co-host an Introductory Workshop in the Village Hall on 15 th January 2020. The widespread and deeply-felt concern for the state-of-nature was reflected in the astonishing numbers of people that came to the Village Hall - 240!
We now are inundated with many hopes, wishes, and desires - clearly the interest, the need, and the energy is here. All we have to do now is to find the ways and means collectively to implement the myriad of projects that will transform the biodiversity in our parishes.