Join in the final stage of Eynsham's Meadow Creation!

Sept. 5, 2021


Event has ended


Eynsham's small meadows at Dovehouse Close, Peace Oak Orchard, St Leonard's Churchyard and the Fishponds, which have been in preparation for a year, will receive their final sowing of wildflower seeds. 

Come and join us to sow these meadows for the future. Help us plant out the wildflowers that have been grown in pots over the last year by the Dovehouse Close meadow group and Long Mead care-farming group as well as individuals throughout the village. 

Our local experts will be on hand to give advice on growing wildflowers in your own gardens.


Long Mead, Dovehouse Meadow Group, Peace Oak Orchard, St Leonard's Churchyard Group

Date and Time

Sun, Sept. 5, 2021

7 a.m. - 11 a.m.
(GMT+0200) Europe/Zurich



Event has ended